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These tutorials are also available as a pdf file.

You can also refer to the NodeBox tutorial for more help and instruction on using Spryte.

the basics +

a few more basics +

logic +

animate & interact +

libraries +

advanced +

compositing +

© info

example files

There are a vast number of example files included with the Spryte package. You are free to look at, manipulate, and learn from them.

To locate the example files, begin by selecting: File > Open:

file open

Now browse to the examples folder -- which is to be found next-door to the geany file you run to start-up the appliation). You will find that the examples are logically catagorised into sub-folders:

example files

* Just remember that you will land up saving over these example files if you manipulate them. You can always restore the originals by retrieving them from the original Spryte archive (.zip) file.